Morris Micklewhite And The Tangerine Dress

The picture book “Morris Micklewhite And The Tangerine Dress” by Christine Baldacchino illustrated by Isabelle Malenfant is a book about a kid who likes school called Morris gets bullied at school. Morris liked all the things about school, he liked his apple juice and he liked wearing his orange dress. Because of this, he was bullied at school and people didn’t want to be near him. Though as time passed, some people started being nice to him and he made some friends. I really liked the illustrations on this book and I recommend reading this book. This book would be the best for the age of 7-10 year olds. I really enjoyed reading this book and I am more than happy to read this book again.

Kindness Project2

Today I made did another act of kindness. Today I encouraged one of a player in my school volleyball team. When he hit a great spike, I told him he was the best and that he is really good at volleyball. After that he looked much happier. Today I learned that if I make someone happier, it makes me happier too.


The picture book “Two” by Kathryn Otoshi And Illustrated by Kathryn Otoshi is a sequel of a picture book called “One”. Is a book about how odd and even numbers get along together. Number 1 and 2 were best friends but suddenly 1 said he is playing only odds now. So number 2 started feeling blue and green. So the number 2 started cracking. When the number cracked it formed a < > sign and he realized he can be anything odd of even. Then 2 bumped into 1 and they started to talk to each other. Then they became friends again. I rate this book 3 out of 5 and I think this book is best for 6-8 years old children. I liked this book illustration because the textures from the brush. Also I think this book has a very suitable drawing on each page.


The picture book “One” by Kathryn Otoshi and illustrated by Kathryn Otoshi is a book about different colours fighting the colour red and how they change after the number 1 showed up. In the picture book, red is a colour that bullies the other colours. As red kept on bullying colours (especially blue), red became bigger and bigger and bigger until all the colours were scared of him. Though when the number 1 showed up, one made everyone happy and made them laugh. So the colour red told them to stop. All the colours stopped but 1 said no. That made red feel bad. After that, the colours started to turn in to numbers. When red came to make fun of blue, this time he talks back to to the colour red which made him mad. As all the colour started to talk back, the colour red started to become small and smaller. When all the colours were saying bad things to red, number 1 said red count too. So the red turned in to the number 7 and started to have fun with each other. Then, they worked, played and laughed together.

Ivan The Remarkable True Story Of The Shopping Mall Gorilla

          A picture book called “Ivan The Remarkable True Story Of The Shopping Mall Gorilla” by Katherine Applegate illustrated by G.Brian Karas is a true story book about a poor gorilla being treated badly. The gorilla was first raised by a family than when it was too big to be in the house, it was sent to a cage in a mall. The cage was made out of glass so the people were protesting that the gorilla should be in a zoo or a better place. Soon enough, the gorilla was sent to a zoo. This picture book is a true story that has happened in real life. The book has great drawings that shows us what the page is about. This book is age rated 5-9 years old. In Conclusion, this book is a great book that is rated 4 out 5. I really enjoyed this book and I hope I get a chance to read it again.

The Nerdy Birdy

The picture book “Nerdy Birdy Tweets” by Aaron Reynolds illustrated by Matt Davies is a picture book made for the age group 7-12 year-olds. This book is about a bird who loves playing video games and who has a friend that also loves video games. They like making fun of each other’s lunch everyday and shares their stories. One day, they found a thing called “Tweetstar” where they share posts and make friends. Though the next day, nerdy birdy posted a funny picture of vulture girl eating dead things which made vulture girl mad. SO the vulture girl left the nerdy birdy. This made nerdy birdy sad so he tweeted saying “Please help me find my best friend” though no one responded in a helpful way. So he decided to fly and he went far and far looking for his friend. After a long journey, he finally found his friend and became friend again. Overall this book can teach people not to post weird picture of your friends and I recommend this book.

What Do You Do With An Idea?

The picture book “What Do You Do With An Idea?” by Kobi Yamada illustrated by Mae Besom is a book made age groups of 6-9 years old kids. This book about  how a kid that had an idea starts to grow his idea until his idea was part of everything. Even Though the character was made fun of by many people, he ignored them and continued to grow his idea. This book has a very good idea and illustrations that really shows what is happening in the story. I liked the fact that the character’s idea was represented as an egg because the egg keeps on growing and growing until the chick comes out of the egg shells which was what was happening to the character’s idea. The book has very creative illustrations which describe the narration in the book very well. Such as when his idea came true, the character’s idea exploded and went everywhere. Also I liked that fact that the colours of the book became more colourful and colourful as the character’s idea came true, also at the end when his idea was everywhere, everything was colourful. In the story the character learns that ideas will change the world and will not harm everyone. By reading this book, young kids can also learn this which will let them to be more creative and successful.


Chopsticks” written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal illustrated Scott Magoon is a book about how the chopstick finally goes on their own and them learning from that. Chopsticks were each other’s best friends and they always stick together. One day, they decided to learn culinary. While they were practicing, one of the chopstick broke. Ever since one of the chopsticks broke, they couldn’t do anything. So the chopsticks decided to break up for the first time and take a journey. From the journey, each chopsticks learned new things and was even more powerful than before. This picture book is recommended for 5-8 years old kids. I liked this book because it reminds me when I first came to Canada. In Korea I used have a friend that was always work with me and we cared about each other a lot. First, I was really sad, though as times passed and I went to Korea for a visit, and when I saw my friend he was even stronger than before. Overall, this book is a great book and I recommend reading this book.